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 vi.  1.叫,喊;(禽兽)啼,鸣,嗥,(犬)吠。 2.哭泣,号哭。  vt.  1.叫,喊,大声叫喊,大声说。&n...  detail>>
cry for
吵着要, 恳求, 迫切需要 喊着要;迫切需要 哭着要;恳求 迫切需要  detail>>
cry on
请求, 恳求, 祈求  detail>>
on the cry
传闻, 据说  detail>>
t cry
别哭了  detail>>
the cry
哭泣/呐喊/流浪者/大声疾呼  detail>>
cry cry cry silver tears
哭出银色泪花 银色泪花  detail>>
cry baby cry
宝贝,哭吧  detail>>
a cry for help
鹦鹉喊救命45  detail>>
a cry in the dark
暗夜哭声 黑暗中的呼号  detail>>
a cry of terror
惊恐的叫声  detail>>